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ABSTRACT: Gold has always fascinated humans, occupying an important functional and symbolic role in civilization. In earlier times, gold was predominantly used in jewelry; today, this noble metal’s surface properties are taken advantage of in catalysis and plasmonics. In this article, the plasmon resonance of gold dumbbell nanorods is investigated. This unusual morphology was obtained by a seed-mediated growth method. The concentration of chemical precursors such as cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and silver nitrate plays a significant role in controlling the shape of the nanorods. Indeed, the aspect ratio of dumbbell nanostructures was varied from 2.6 to 4. UV−visible absorption spectra revealed a shift of the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance peak from 669 to 789 nm. Having the plasmon resonance in the near infrared region helps to use those nanostructures as photothermal agents.

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